Monday, January 12, 2009

Geek Cakes for a Geek Family

I found this post today. I'm a total geek. I admit it. I'd love the #2 and #18 Star Wars cakes. I'm a sci-fi girl (among other geek traits). My whole family is full of geeks. How can you tell? Post # 7 has a reference to my sister Kristy of Craftastica's Wii caketastrophy. Years prior she would have stayed up all night and made a new Wii cake. But since she had a baby, she decided to be a grown-up and go to bed. This was the first post from her blog to receive a lot of attention. Post # 10 is Tux the Linux penguin. Tux is the Linux Logo that was designed by my brother in law. In our family Tux is affectionately known as Pengie. My other brother in law would love the amazing #14 Mario cart cake. Yup, Geeks.

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