You can also make smoothies from blueberries, peaches, blackberries (I usually use frozen berries), mixed berries, or peaches.
STRAWBERRY YOGURT SMOOTHIEyield two smoothies (or one if you want a big breakfast)
INGREDIENTS4 strawberries
1/2 banana1 C plain yogurt
2 tsp sugar or to taste1 T flax seeds (ground)(optional)
a few fresh mint leaves (optional)a drop of vanilla extract (optional)
Combine all ingredients either in a blender (add a few ice cubes) or blend with an immersion blender (no ice cubes). If you make this with an immersion blender, add a few ice cubes to the glass you serve it in. You can store the extra smoothie in the refrigerator and have it for breakfast tomorrow. You can put the extra 1/2 banana in the freezer.
Substitute 1/2 peach or nectarine for the strawberries. The nectarines were small today, so I used a whole one. I also really like mint leaves in my peach smoothie.
Pineapple Smoothie
1/2 c pineapple
1/2 a banana
1 c plain yogurt
1 T flax seed
1 T coconut
1 tsp sugar
Combine all ingredients either in a blender (add a few ice cubes) or blend with an immersion blender (no ice cubes). If you make this with an immersion blender, add a few ice cubes to the glass you serve it in. You can store the extra smoothie in the refrigerator and have it for breakfast tomorrow. You can put the extra 1/2 banana in the freezer.
Hi Lora! Thanks so much for the comment; it's always a shock to know that someone else (besides my mom) is reading. And great to see your local foodie blog, I'll definitely be checking in! PS - I have some plain yogurt in the fridge right now, so I'll be using your smoothie recipe tomorrow morning!